Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Avery's First Day of School

Today was Avery's first day of 4th grade. She was so excited. We think she is so grown up.



See pics from Avery's past 4 first-days-of-school.



Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Niece, Julia, sings, "I am a Promise"

My brother and sister-in-law's 6 year old daughter, Julia, sang "I am a Promise" at her school's back to school program. I am impressed (I bet you will be too).

Monday, August 2, 2010

Last Trips of Summer

The hot summer of 2010 is (hopefully) winding down. School starts again in less than 3 weeks. Now is the time to make end-of-summer trips to visit grandparents and aunts and uncles.

Avery and her friend McKay are spending the week in Houston with Shannon's parents.


Brandon and Julia are spending a couple of nights with us. They are having so much fun (especially Connor). But the real blessings belong to us.
