Saturday, March 6, 2010

Avery's Soccer Game, March 6, 2010

This spring, Avery joined the Cheetahs, a soccer team at the local YMCA that includes several of her friends from Providence. This morning, Avery had her first soccer game. Unfortunately, it wasn't much of a game - the other team forfeited due to a lack of players. Her team had a scrimmage instead.

I thought Avery played great! She scored a goal and was always in the mix. Not bad for her first game. Avery was disappointed that it wasn't a real game, but she had fun anyways. Here are a few pictures from the game.

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-01

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-02

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-03

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-10

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-09

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-08

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-07

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-06

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-05

Avery's Soccer Scrimmage 3.6.2010-04

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