Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day of School

Today was Avery's last day of school in 3rd grade. At Providence, they celebrated with Fine Arts Day, a day when each grade recited poems and sang songs about what they learned this year. Also, artwork was displayed for parents to see. For the 3rd Graders, this meant they recited and sang about Texas. Avery recited a poem about the Texas rivers (the Rio Grande, the Pecos, the Nueces, the San Antonio, the Colorado, the Brazos, the Trinity, the Canadian, the Red and don't forget the Sabine...) in front of 400 or so in the audience. She did such a great job (ask her to recite them for you). We were so proud.


We also found an impressionist drawing of some trees at dusk that Avery created that was beautiful. Vincent Van Gogh would have been proud.


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